Public administration (municipality). Environmental administration. Urban vegetation.Abstract
Most cities located in underdeveloped countries present disorganized growth due to lack of planning, mostly regards environmental issues . Considering Urban Vegetation fundamental to keep and increase the positive aspects of the environment , the main objectice of this paper is identifying the environmental administration practices related to it, developed by Local Public Administration in Sao Gabriel -RS. Data was collected from interviewing members of the Municipality who recognized the importance and benefits of Urban Vegetation especially when native species are preserved - Urban Vegetation handling mainly follow specifications listed on Codigo Estadual Florestal ( State Law) , even though there is a local legislation on that subject. The mechanisms to preserve this kind of vegetation are based on checking the impact of all enterprises requests that may have their environmental licence denied due to Codigo Florestal Estadual. We have concluded that an exclusive bureau to deal with environmental issues and supervise all the Municipality decisions regards Urban Vegetation would surely be more efficient.Downloads
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