Environmental. Marketing. Sustainability. Public. Organization.Abstract
To meet human needs and desires is necessary to work with markets and carry trade, this is called Marketing. Due to environmental problems such as global warming, nature degradation, resource scarcity, among others, a new concept in marketing, Environmental Marketing, which meets the needs and human desires, but search does not harm the natural environment, and yet achieves the objectives of the companies. In this context, through questionnaires on customers and employees of COTRISEL supermarkets in Vila Nova do Sul / RS and Big Max of São Gabriel / RS, aimed to analyze and compare the behavior of consumers and employees themselves forward to spending habits and influencers elements of buying behavior, define marketing and its components, analyzing the contexts in which markets are segmented, defining the target audience, identifying and describing the variables involved in the decision-making purchase process, but it was concluded that the primary responsibility for If work environmental education of employees and customers of supermarkets and subsequently develop Environmental Marketing strategies.Downloads
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