Characterization. Quality Environmental. Protocol.Abstract
Plan for the use and occupation of a watershed is essential to the proper use of water resources. The objective is to evaluate the environmental impacts on stream Estiva - Betim (MG), between July and September 2014 the implementation of the Rapid Assessment Protocol of Habitat Diversity in Excerpts from Watershed was performed, proposed by Callisto et al. (2002), adapted by the authors. This technique offers conditions to raise the environmental impact on stretches of waterways by evaluating some parameters. The 1,34Km studied were sectored into five sections and the data obtained with the Callisto Protocol, applied the Kruskal-Wallis test. The result of the sum of scores assigned to individual parameters reflects the stream preservation level. There was a significant difference in the median and weather condition testing, observed different impacts, such as: absence of riparian vegetation, erosion, presence of animal disease vectors, fires and illegal disposal of solid waste and wastewater in 1,34Km the stream Estiva.Downloads
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