Temporal analysis of genotoxicity and environmental factors related to water quality of a watershed in South Brazil
Water pollution, Environmental monitoring, Land useAbstract
Environmental pollution is one of the main problems underlying the current scenario of degradation of aquatic ecosystems. This study aimed to determine the water quality of the Rio dos Sinos watershed in South Brazil by analyzing genotoxicity and environmental factors of four sub-basins in two periods (P1 = 2012 – 2013 and P2 = 2018 – 2019). Water genotoxicity was analyzed using the micronucleus test with Tradescantia pallida var. purpurea. In parallel, a Rapid Habitat Assessment Protocol (RHAP) was employed and data on physico-chemical parameters, land use and occupation and the number of inhabitants were collected and examined for possible relationships with genotoxicity. Genotoxicity did not differ significantly over time for three of the four studied sub-basins. There was a significant relationship between water genotoxicity and number of inhabitants. Furthermore, environments with high genotoxicity, low water quality and high environmental degradation in the first monitoring period remained in the same condition in the second monitoring period; the most preserved areas of the basin may come to resemble these environments in the future.
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