Juice processing potential of different grape cultivars under conditions in southern Brazil
Evaluation, Hybrids, Quality, Vitis labrusca, VarietalAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the juice quality of 11 grape cultivars over three productive cycles, aiming to identify which cultivars are indicated to complement the varietal matrix and allow the extension of the harvest period in the region of Vale do Rio do Peixe - SC. The grapes used to elaborate the juices were: BRS Rúbea (RUB), BRS Cora (COR); BRS Violet (VIO); BRS Carmen (CAR), BRS Magna (MAG), Bordô (BOR), Isabel (ISA), Isabel Precoce (IP), Concord (CON), Concord Clone 30 (C30) and SCS 421 Paulina (SCSP), produced in the EPAGRI experimental station vineyard, in Videira-SC. The physical-chemical variables analyzed showed statistically significant differences for the different cultivars. From the analysis of main components performed, it was possible to observe the noticeable differences between the levels of this factor and the correlations between the parameters. ISA and IP showed lower levels of anthocyanins and color, differing from VIO and MAG. CON and C30 stood out for their high acidity and low soluble solids content. BOR, SCSP and RUB presented juices with intense coloring, high content of bioactive compounds, nevertheless they presented lower levels of soluble solids and a higher acidity, while COR presented slightly higher contents for total soluble solids. The cultivars that brought together the greatest number of favorable characteristics (physical-chemical, sensory and extension of the harvest dates) for the juice elaboration in the studied region, proving favorable to complement the productive matrix composed of ISA and BOR, were VIO, MAG, IP, COR and CAR.
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