C/N. Organic fertilizer. Mesophilic phase. Organic residue.Abstract
The study evaluated the composting process using float sludge from Dairy Wastewater Treatment Plant in order to check the quality of the final compound and the value end fertilizer for applicability in agriculture. This was developed in the experimental area of Agricultural College of Frederick / CAFW-UFSM in Fredericksburg in Medium High Uruguay of Rio Grande do Sul region, from April to July 2013. The experiment was performed in triplicate, where each windrow composting comprised float sludge (nitrogen source) and tifton 85 hay (carbon source). During the process was monitor the temperature, climatic variables, insects, fungi, spiders, worms, larvae and odor. After maturation of the chemical analysis of the final composite substrates were also performed. The development of the process during the fall / winter and instances of rainy periods, caused the temperature of cells accompany the room temperature only reaching higher temperatures during periods without significant rainfall, and preventing the process reached the thermophilic stage. Nevertheless, the resulting substrate had good C/N, 18.67: 1, and can be used without prejudice to the soil as fertilizer.Downloads
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