Urban forestry. Relational database. Tree census. Diversity. Georeferencing.Abstract
This research aimed to study the tree composition and the tree monetary appraisal at the Holy House of Mercy of Piracicaba (SP), through biometrics informations and plant assessment of root, root crown, trunk and crown, in a relational database. We did the trees census above 0.05 m of DBH (diameter at breast height) and we found 300 individuals, distributed in 67 species, 59 genus and 30 botanical families, highlighting the species Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch (10.7%), Caesalpinia pluviosa DC. (9.7%) and Ficus benjamina L. (6.0%), the genus Tabebuia (8.5%) and the families Bignoniaceae (15.3%), Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae (12.7%) and Chrysobalanaceae (10.7%). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index was 3.56 and the tree appraisal, R$ 1,910,488.20, the individual average value was R$ 6,368.29 and the most valuable tree, Lophanthera lactescens Ducke, R$ 64,723.03. The registration method in relational database proved to be efficient and organized for storage and processing data, as well as the free software Quantum GIS version 2.6, capable to prepare maps about the location of selected trees.Downloads
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