Climatologia, precipitação, variabilidade espaço- temporal, Santa Maria.Abstract
This paper concerns in to analyze the rainfall distribution in the seasonal period of summer of 2013/2014 and in the winter of 2014 on the urban area of Santa Maria/RS and its surroundings. For the development of this paper 10 rain gauges were built and installed in strategic points, elaborated according to Milanesi; Galvani (2013), plus the official weather sta tion of the University Federal of Santa Maria/INMET. In the analysis of the results it can be observed that in the summer period the higher total pluviometric were localized at North and Northeast of the urban area. at South and Southwest of the urban area has the smaller total pluviometric of the seasonal period of summer. In the winter period it can be observed that the higher total pluviometric were localized at North of the urban area, next to P07 in Fundação Moã and in the neighborhoods of Chácara das Flores. Already the smaller total pluviometric are located at South and Southeast of the field of study. Thereby the pluviometric spatial-temporal distribution in the urban area of Santa Maria and its surroundings are influenced by two factors: one is the displacement of the polar fronts, and the other is the relief, although it is not significant, most cases.Downloads
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