Ilustrações para uma metafísica da música a partir de Schopenhauer
Metaphysics, Music, SchopenhauerAbstract
Schopenhauer proposes, in The world as will and representation, a metaphysic account of music, in contrast with its physical consideration. He shows, from there, in what way the music expresses the very essence of the world and how it is possible to do an analogy of his own world with it. This thesis, which immediately influenced thinkers and composers – representing a major leap in the understanding of the music phenomenon – allows us to reflect the music not just as an expression of the human, but as a part of it; that is, permit us to show how the metaphysics of music can be thought of as an independent discipline, unrelated to the author. Thus, it becomes possible to show the relevance of Schopenhauer's thinking for the contemporary experiences of music and, then, make it effectively present in today's discussions.Downloads
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