Schopenhauer and the magic
Magic, Animal magnetism, Schopenhauer, MesmerAbstract
This article aims to present Schopenhauer's thinking about magic in order to promote a debate that has not yet been explored. Excited about the success of "animal magnetism" developed by the doctor Franz Anton Mesmer, Arthur Schopenhauer finds in this procedure, understood as part of the magic of the past, an empirical confirmation of the philosophy of The world as will and as representation. A confirmation that, according to the philosopher, reveals a practical aspect of his theoretical metaphysics, an Experimentalmetaphysik. It does not seem to be of little relevance, therefore, that some philosophical light is thrown on the subject, in spite of its characterristic obscurity and consequent discredit in the history of the West. Schopenhauer's considerations, as the reader can see, raise questions that range from medicine to religion, from occultism to experimental science, and are relevant even today.
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