Cooperative education in model of translation and control of strategy: case study in a marketing cooperative
Controle estratégico, Cooperativas agroindustriais, Mapa estratégico, Balanced Score Card, Educação cooperativista.Abstract
This paper deals with the insertion of cooperative education as a critical success factor in a model of translation and control of strategy in marketing cooperatives, in the context of the reality of Parana - Brazil and, more specifically, of a marketing cooperative of Parana. Based on the theoretical background on translation and control of strategy and on cooperative movement and education, interviews were carried out with experts on cooperative movement, followed by an instrumental case study in a marketing cooperative of Parana. The paper discusses several interactions that cooperative education maintains, directly or indirectly, with other analytical categories in the model of translation and control of strategy in marketing cooperatives, such as the cooperative doctrine, the mission of the cooperative, the balance between the cooperative and members, the cooperative's organizational culture, the commitment, the loyalty, the production delivered to the cooperative and the financial surpluses. It is concluded that such a model should consider cooperative education as a critical success factor, related to the Planning control lever, which conceives, schedules and executes educational and awareness actions to reconcile the cooperative doctrine with the cooperative's organizational culture.
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