


critique of rights; cultural analysis of law; religious rights; subjective rights.


La In democratic states, the legal order usually recognizes religIous subjective rights, first of all religious freedom. Since The Thirty years’ War, a very specific historic and geographic experience, religious freedom is presented as a universal solution to the challenge of the pacific coexistence between diverse religious creeds on the same political space. Therefore, it is observed that such rights promote a certain kind of religious subjectivity and organization. As a very similar critique has been made to the category of subjective rights, as well as to human rights, this article investigates if the answers to such critiques – by sociolegal studies, cultural analysis of law and philosophical and sociological studies of human rights – can contribute to think about the utility of religious subjective rights to people who profess non hegemonic religions. The article concludes that cultural legal analysis allows for the identification of possible recreations of the political strategy of religious subjective rights.


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Author Biographies

Lidyane Maria Ferreira de Souza, UFSB

Doutora em Direito e Ciências Sociais e Políticas. Área de Concentração Direitos Fundamentais na Sociedade Global, pela Universidade de Camerino/Itália. Professora adjunta na Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia.

Luca Baccelli, Università degli Studi di Camerino

Professore ordinario di Filosofia del diritto, Università di Camerino. Presidente di Jura Gentium, Centre for Philosophy of  International Law and Global Politics.


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How to Cite

Souza, L. M. F. de, & Baccelli, L. (2022). THE UTILITY OF THE CULTURAL ANALYSIS OF RELIGOUS SUBJECTIVE RIGHTS. Revista Eletrônica Do Curso De Direito Da UFSM, 17(1), e79979.



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