democracia, direito das minorias, pluralismoAbstract
This article intends to present a conception of pluralism that tries do mediate the political participation of religious groups with a careful protection of the right of minorities. The chief concern is trying to balance, on the one hand, a secular conception of politics that ought to protect rights and fundamental guarantees, avoiding an excessive rationalism, and, on the other hand, an intense political participation of religious groups, one that advance new and important demands, despite a propensity for authoritarianism under a few circumstances. This article adopts literature review of the works of Connolly, Young, Modood, in addition to others. The conclusion is that this theoretical deadlock could be worked out through a conception of pluralism that is open, flexible, dynamic, one in which the political relevance of religious belief coexists side by side with the need of tolerance, epistemic humility and a propensity for continuous self-critique.
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