Global environmental awareness, Global participatory/deliberative governance, Nuclear rejections, Nuclear repositoriesAbstract
This article analyze the nuances around the problem and the participatory/deliberative and regulatory global governance about the safe and definitive disposal of tailings generated by the energetic nuclear industry, witch, in the current conjuncture of scientific and technological development, has two main possibilities of final destination, namely, in the environment directly and the definitive containment of the tailings in the repositories, that may require storage time of hundreds of thousands of years. In this context, the biggest problem lies in everything that a repository of this magnitude demands in terms of preserving public health and environmental balance. The results of the research show that disposing of highly radioactive nuclear waste directly in the environment is not viable due to the environmental degradation and risks to human health caused. This leads to the conclusion that, in order to preserve public health and environmental balance, it is necessary to dispose of it in repositories, whose long-term management is only guaranteed through the use of global regulatory governance that is supposed to be concerted and thus capable of allowing not only participation, but also deliberation in the debates and control by all those interested and involved in the process. In this way, the article explore, through historical and deductive methods, the stages of development of the global environmental awareness and the nuclear technology, pointing out the relevance and dangers of its use and the need for its global participatory and regulatory governance.
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