In general terms, we know that the Amazon is being burned and that thousands of species have died during the process. We know that this is happening throughout Latin America, and we know that governments do very little to stop this deforestation. What we ignore is that there are Government Policies which cover up such deforestation with "incendiary" speeches. A discourse analysis on the current government of Jair Bolsonaro who, through official media such as NY Times, BBC, and O Globo among others, has recognized Brazilian autonomy in its decisions on the "lung of the world", the Amazon, will be conducted to discuss this situation. The discussion of the previous paragraph between national sovereignty and the world heritage site is not new. It is found in the international agreements of biological diversity, climate change, forest protection, and the fight against desertification signed in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. This research will allow verifying how the combination of constitutional amendments approved in the Congress of Brazil in the last three years, specifically during the governments of Temer and Bolsonaro, mixed with a presidential political discourse held during these years, have allowed miners, farmers, cattle breeders and private entrepreneurs to burn the Amazon, waiting to see what happens ... To carry out the discourse analysis, we will start from a historical perspective, verifying government policies regarding the Amazon in the last presidential periods (Lula, Rousseff, Temer, Bolsonaro) to conclude that, although in accordance with the scientific data existing in the international NGOs, progress has been made in the conservation of the Amazon rainforest. However, the Amazon is on fire today. What are the political legal decisions, and even the constitutional amendments that have been made in recent years to allow the economic use of the Brazilian Amazon? How does President Bolsonaro's government speech relate to the deforestation of the Amazon? What is the contribution that scientists are making today in the political field for the defense of the Brazilian Amazon? The answers to these questions will be found in this text.
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