archeology of knowledge, right to the city, legal speech, archaeological method.Abstract
The archaeological analysis of the legal speeches about the city allows us investigate how statements produced by the institutions of the justice system are influenced by knowledge wich aplly in the urban theme, to the point of affecting the formulation of judicial statements. The method of archaeological analysis of Michel Foucault's discourse is then mobilized in order to analyze pronouncements issued by the institutions of the justice system so that it becomes possible to respond as urbanistic knowledge, both in the historical field and in the normative field, are moved and assume a route capable of being traced to the point where it is possible to reveal which discursive formations they associate. It’s to demarcate the archaeological method, which is based on the analysis of the methodological assumptions sought in a Foucaultian archeology. The results allowed to verify that the archaeological method is perfectly applicable in the research on legal discourses to the point of clarifying the conformation of knowledge about the city.
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