Acesso à Internet, Emenda Constitucional n. 85/2015, Lei n. 12.965/2014, Responsabilidade do Estado.Abstract
The emergence of the information society, as conceptualized by Manuel Castells, in the context of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, greatly transformed the way of social organization, bringing information to the place of protagonist in times where more and more relations are established in the environment called by Pierre Lèvy as the cyberspace. With this in mind, although the scenario indicated by the most recent survey nominated "TIC Domicílios" is that Internet use increased at household level within different brazilian regions, the inequality of such use among classes and regions still shows how legitimate is the need for state action in this matter. Thus, this paper analyzes how the Law n. 12.965/2014, also known as the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, and the Constitutional Amendment n. 85/2015 play a key role in state responsibility for the universalization of Internet access, in order to ensure an effective digital inclusion, enabling individuals to exercise citizenship in a substantial way.
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