Cartography of Parades: walks, children and the city through the eyes of childhood educators
Cultural Mediation, Parades, Childhood Education, Art, Aesthetic educationAbstract
Considering the practices of walks-parades as enabling aesthetic, performative, educational, collective experiences mediated by the school, between children and the city and which overflow beyond its walls, this article focuses on how the teachers re-elaborated their perspectives on the city and the culture. Following the lead of the cartographic interview pointed out by Tedesco et al. (2016) two planes were approached: 1. the life or lived experience and 2. the pre-reflective or ontological experience as inseparable. From the cartography carried out during the interviews with three teachers, we deduced their conceptions regarding the processions, the relationship with the community with the languages and the ludic. In the investigation process, we verified that the processions are defined in the educators' narratives as a walking practice through the city and of cultural mediation between the school, the ludic experience and the child's corporality in the city. As artistic and cultural practices, they open a plausible path that can tell a lot about the city, generating affection, belonging, celebration, meeting; end up constituting ways of provoking an aesthetic experience, thus developing the look, attention and sensitivity of children, the community and the entire school.
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