“Pedagogical landscapes”: a survey with Visual Arts teachers
visual arts, academic research, teaching experience, cartography, artistic and pedagogical practices.Abstract
This paper presents the thoughts around an academic research entitled pedagogical landscapes, developed between the years 2016 and 2020 at Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC). The research investigated the pedagogical practices and their developments among Visual Arts teachers in the region of Florianópolis (SC). The potency of artistic and pedagogical practices permeates the present writing, as it amplifies the uncertainties and anxieties experienced by the teachers in this area which, despite the countless advances, is still understood as a mere activity in which actions have no function for the lives of the students and of people in general. Cartography, as a research method that finds its clues as it advances, reveals the concerns, desires and motivations of a teaching experience that triggers affections, as it draws intersubjective lines.
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