The edu(vo)captive potential of cinema and the challenges to law 13.006/14 at school
Cinema, Edu(vo)captive power, Law 13, 006/14, Art EducationAbstract
We propose to think cinema as a device, which enables us to produce learning, signs, affections and problematizations, as a pedagogical power, articulating relations between the visual arts and the visuals produced in the educational field. The question that moves this writing has as main objective to think the cinema through the edu(vo)captive concept and the challenges that we find in the school space associated to Law 13,006/14. We treat cinema as an artistic experience that allows infinite ways of learning and teaching. They evoke new connections and recall the possibilities of treating cinema as an edu(vo)captive artifact. The film incorporates not only technologies, but also different discourses, and as teachers we have the possibility to mediate.Downloads
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