Filmic image: an encounter that convokes our thinking


  • Vivien Kelling Cardonetti Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira



Though, Filmic image, Movement-image, Time-image, Educative experience


The aim in this text is to move different fluxes of thought through some concerns triggered by a filmic encounter. Through experiences of watching the movie “The Tree of Life” (2011) in two different scenarios (a context apart from the academy and another with undergraduate students of Visual Arts at Federal University of Santa Maria-RS), we aimed at exploring the crossing of the filmic image being explored, narratives produced in diaries by the participants involved in this investigation, and the concepts articulated in this research, especially those of movement-image and time-image (DELEUZE, 1983; 1990; 2010). Problematizations raised in this crossing has the potency to affect and disquiet, allowing the production of different arrangements and textures in relation to filmic images and the educative experience.


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Author Biographies

Vivien Kelling Cardonetti, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Pós-Doutoranda (2015-2017) junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGAE), na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Doutora em Educação. Membro do GEPAEC/UFSM.

Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira

Doutora em História da Arte, credenciada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Mestrado e Doutorado (PPGE/CE/UFSM), na Linha de Pesquisa LP4: Educação e Artes. Coordenadora do GEPAEC – Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Arte, Educação e Cultura da UFSM. Editora da Revista Digital do LAV.


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How to Cite

Cardonetti, V. K., & Oliveira, M. O. de. (2017). Filmic image: an encounter that convokes our thinking. Revista Digital Do LAV, 10(2), 039–055.

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