Contemporary Public Policies and teaching knowledge in Early Childhood Education
Teaching in Early Childhood Education, GovernanceAbstract
This investigation is an excerpt from a larger study, developed at the Professional Master's level in Education, which aims to understand how teaching knowledge is organized and transformed, through the political conditions of a given time. Thus, this article problematizes the government practices carried out by the National Common Curricular Base in teaching Early Childhood Education. Methodologically, it uses the post-critical framework, especially Michel Foucault's theories, taking government as a theoretical-analytical tool for the analyzes undertaken. We seek the government in this work, to understand how power is exercised, in the sense of directing the conduct of some people over others or over oneself. The empirical corpus, the materiality for analysis, consists of narrative questionnaires carried out with Early Childhood Education teachers on the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul. Based on the writings of the participating teachers, it is clear that the National Common Curricular Base aims to define certain ways of being a teacher, based on sensitive and reflective teaching, “creatively” and welcoming, active and mediating, in which it works as government strategies to constitute a norm around how to be a “good teacher” in Early Childhood Education.
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