Doing science differently for healthy human and social development? Report and analysis of an experience
Doing science differently, narrative biographies in healthcare, refiguration, research-trainingAbstract
As we are living in the Anthropocene, we need to consider, along with Stengers (2020) and Latour (2021), the relationships between human beings and the world of life, so that we can work together to find modus vivendi that are viable for everyone in the longer term and, at the same time, think about new ways of doing science to help bring about democracy in healthcare. This implies epistemological, methodological, ethical and political changes that recognise different forms of truth, between medical nosographic knowledge on the one hand and, on the other, the unique learning of people living with a chronic illness/disability, their families and the carers who support them on a daily basis. We believe that hearing their voices will help to improve medico-social and preventive health services. The Study Day (2023), organised in the wake of our research into the levers and obstacles to the participation of the players most directly concerned by care issues (patients, family carers, carers), inaugurated a new way of doing science, thanks to the 'dramatised readings' by two actresses of extracts of verbatims from this research. The analysis of the selections and performances presented in this article is intended to explore in greater depth the refiguration of biographical narratives with a view to providing input for training courses in the field of health or for initial and continuing training for people interested in these issues.References
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