Desmundos, the constitution of the feminine in the work of Ana Miranda and in the film by Alain Fresnot
Movie theater, Literature, FeminineAbstract
The article in question, presented at a movie club that allowed the dialogue between literature and cinema, unfolds in two moments, the first closely analyzes the literary work Desmundo, by Ana Miranda, highlighting the constitution of the feminine in an experience of confinement, allowing a reflection on one of the most basic human rights, the right to come and go. Even in this sense, it is possible to envision that the character Oribela constitutes her human-woman at the same time that she meets the other, the different, in the figure of the demiurge Ximeno. The second moment draws a parallel between the book and the cinematographic work of the same name, by director Alain Fresnot, drawing a more obscure picture for the constitution of the feminine of the character, who is seen in a first rebellious moment and gradually conforms to the situation of a prisoner, alienated from her social freedom. It is concluded that in the making of the works, both the literary and the cinematographic, aspects of an extremely fruitful and current discussion for the present day are laid bare, which presents us with, at the points of meeting and disagreement, a wealth of perspectives on the constitution of the feminine of the character Oribela.
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