The intervention-research in the methodological perspective: Links between themes and proposals in a Professional Master's
Research-intervention, Professional master’s, Educational managementAbstract
The objective of this work is to contribute to the debate about the interventional nature of professional master's degrees in the field of Education. For this, the 157 dissertations defended between the years 2014 and 2021 with a Graduate Program in Educational Management were analyzed, seeking to know the existence of intervention proposals from the research carried out and the themes to which they have been linked. For this, the methodological perspective of Cartography allowed the perception of important clues for the monitoring of research processes. The idea of researching the productions carried out has always been linked to the reflective status of the master's degree itself and the debate on what intervention in the universe of research in education would be, contributing to a broader discussion. Thus, through this study, it is concluded that intervention-research has been consolidating itself as a research perspective and managing to reveal, through the proposed interventions, attention to the polysemic, complex and current character of studies about educational management.
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