University teaching and Physical Education: philosophical hermeneutics as a field of possibilities
Philosophical Hermeneutic, Physical Education, University TeachingAbstract
The central objective of this theoretical essay is to present contributions of philosophical hermeneutics to university teaching, in particular, to the field of Physical Education (PE). Initially, the text present links between PE and philosophical hermeneutics, considering it as a field of possibilities for university teaching in this scope. In the direction of to demonstrate this premise, in a second moment, explore some central categories of philosophical hermeneutics, in articulated way with university teaching in the field of PE, namely: the question and answer game; the fusion of horizons, the hermeneutic circle; e the game of traduction, composition and application. Finally, the hermeneutic effort proposed here would allow to understand better suspicious terrains of the university teaching and, in the circularity of the dialogue, to face complex PE issues, in a complex dialectic game - certanly, not easy challenge, but in accordance with what is expectade of teaching in the university formation.
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