Adolescents who committed infractions challenges of inclusion through socioeducational policies
Adolescents who commited infractions, Socioeducational policies, SINASE, InclusionAbstract
The following article, of a bibliographical and documentary nature, analyzes the challenges, limitations and possibilities of the social inclusion of adolescents, who committed infractions, through socioeducational policies. The key issue is to question how these policies provide an emancipatory inclusion of these adolescents, in other words, how do the socioeducational policies work together with the educational policies aiming at the emancipation of these adolescents? In order to contextualize this problem, aspects of Brazil’s socioeconomic formation will be analyzed, which engendered and reproduced the exclusion of millions of adolescents from minimal conditions of citizenship. In the sequence, socioeducational policies destined to adolescents who committed infractions are analyzed, especially the Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (BRASIL, 2012), and the challenges of an emancipatory inclusion of these subjects. In the conclusion, we defend the thesis that although socioeducational policies have advanced in a substantial way, especially with the approval of SINASE, an emancipatory socioeducation in practice continues being a challenge.
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