The learning principles of good video games by James Paul Gee and their approaches to Roger Caillois sociological game theory
Videogames, School Physical Education, James Gee, Roger CailloisAbstract
This work aims to discuss the approximations between the learning principles present in good videogames approached by Gee and the sociological theory of the game elaborated by Caillois, projecting the contributions of this debate to think about the teaching and learning process of corporal practices in Physical Education school. From the horizon of a theoretical essay with reflective intentions, it was verified that Gee's perspective corroborates that of Caillois, insofar as it recognizes the wide possibilities of fruition that the game presents. It should be noted that the principles of good video games listed by Gee not only incorporate the idea that in the game we can seek to compete, test our luck, represent something or get the feeling of vertigo, but also think about these characteristics of the game in connection with development processes of human potential, which, in education, occurs through learning. In our view, these broad theoretical contributions arising from empirical studies can also help to advance the teaching of bodily practices in contemporary school Physical Education.
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