Teaching profession under construction: challenges and possibilities of the supervised internship
teacher formation, supervised internship, social representationsAbstract
The study aims to understand what future teachers think about the supervised internship experience in schools, how they attribute meaning to teaching practice and how they build their professional identity. The study finds theoretical and methodological support in the theory of social representations. A total of 88 pedagogy students from a public university located in southern Brazil participated in the research. Initially, the technique of free association of words was applied after the inducing term “university and professional life”. Then, it was carried out a documental analysis of internship reports produced by a random selection of 24 students. The free association was processed by the Evoc software. The results show the elements that possibly form the central core and the peripheries of this representation. A further analysis identifies four themes: Profession and employment; Opening and entry; Academic life; Formation. The content analysis of the reports reveals the knowledge about this profession, probably anchored in past experiences and culture, as well as attempts to give new meaning to them. Three themes emerge from this analysis: Teaching; Planning and teaching; Assessment. The results also show the coexistence of consensual knowledge, anchored in tradition, with scientific knowledge acquired during the internship and in the academy. The data can collaborate with teacher formation and with educational policies related with the supervised internship.
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