Violence that makes childhood precarious: the denial of the rights of provision in the daily lives of institutionalized girls and adolescents
Provision rights, Child poverty, ViolenceAbstract
Thousands of children and adolescents suffer the constraints and limitations of not guaranteeing the rights provided for in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN, 1989). Despite being the most ratified human rights treaty among countries, children's rights are daily denied and violated, a fact that worsens in situations where children and adolescents experience child poverty. Based on these assumptions, this text aims to elucidate how the denial of provision rights is materialized in the daily lives of girls and adolescents in child poverty. The qualitative method of research in education, with contributions from the Deleuze-Guattarian cartography, were used in the investigative path. The data under analysis were mapped from the listening, via individual interviews, of 24 girls and adolescents, 13 mothers and/or legal guardians and 22 members of the multidisciplinary team of a non-governmental and non-profit institution located in Guatemala City, that welcomes, shelters and rescues girls, from 12 to 18 years old, victims of multiple violence and at risk of violations of their rights. The results point to an intersectionality of violence experienced in the daily lives of institutionalized girls and adolescents, which are caused and/or potentiated when their rights are denied. However, subalternity and resistance cohabit; that is, where the non-guarantee of the rights of provision and violence act, resistance flourishes.
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