The writing, review and rewriting mediation process in the pedagogical residende program (prp)
Mediation, Pedagogical Residency Program, Reviewing and rewritingAbstract
This article brings as its central theme the pedagogical mediation in the teaching of writing, reviewing and rewriting, with majoring teachers in the initial stages of training participating in the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP), in the Portuguese Language Course of a University in the state of Rondônia (RO). From this theme, we established the research thesis: i) whether the mediation, both internal and external (VYGOTSKY, 1991; 2020), contributes to the appropriation of knowledge by the student and ii) whether PRP helps in the development of the teaching practice through the theoretical-practical relationship in a critical and reflexive way for those involved. Based on that, we aim to present the contributions of teaching mediation in the theoretical and practical development of the writing, reviewing and rewriting process with students majoring in Portuguese Language who are residents of PRP. As for a theoretical framework, we used the Cultural-Historical Theory, Content Analysis and the guidelines for writing as a process, discussed by Linguistic Interactionism. As for the methodology used, we chose to use action research (TRIPP, 2005; THIOLLENT, 2011) in order to intervene in the researched reality. Thus, for data acquisition, we used a questionnaire and the observation of the teaching practices of the participants. The results show that the residents received theorical knowledge about the writing process through the mediation (internal and external) and were able to assimilate the knowledge obtained during the program to develop satisfactory practices of writing, reviewing and rewriting texts with their students in the PRP. We have concluded that mediation is an important educational process to be developed during initial teacher training courses.
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