Education from the perspective of omnilateral and emancipatory training: understanding of teachers from State Schools of Vocational Education in Ceará
Professional education, Omnilateral, TeachersAbstract
The perspective of comprehensive education, in its omnilateral meaning, permeates the main reference documents for the pedagogical action of the State Schools of Professional Education (EEEP) of Ceará, created in 2008. These schools offer High School integrated to Professional Education full time, with the intention to develop, in the state, as stated in its documents, a new concept of education. The structuring of the EEEP faculty occurs through a selection process, whose stages relieve candidates from the elementary domain both from the omnilateral meaning and from comprehensive training. In view of this situation, the following question guides the study in question: do the EEEP teachers understand what omnilateral and emancipatory integral education is? Seeking to unveil the question raised, the present study aimed to investigate the understanding of educators who work in these schools about education from the perspective of omnilateral and emancipatory training. The research specifically involved the teachers who work in the EEEP of the second Regional Education Development Coordination (CREDE 02), having as methodological basis the historical-dialectical materialism, comparing the movement of the real in continuous change permeated by contradictions and relations between the particularities and singularities constituting the totality. The answers to the questions raised point to the need for approaches that explain the perspective of omnilateral education, which involve planning interdisciplinary practices and possibilities for effecting the integration of general and specific knowledge, in addition to knowledge related to Professional Education in terms of fundamentals and legislation.
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