The way of being a non-disabled deaf: a discourse at work in schools for the deaf
Deaf , Subjectification, Extension CurriculumAbstract
Deaf Education has been investigated from various theoretical perspectives, constituting analyzes that help to understand deafness in an educational context. This investigation aimed to understand the ways of being deaf at work in the discourses present in the School Regiments and Pedagogical Political Project of schools for the deaf in Rio Grande do Sul. In this article, referring to an excerpt of the aforementioned research, it addresses one of these ways of being deaf, which is based on discourses that understand the deaf subject as a non-disabled individual. Based on a Foucaultian theorization, an analysis was carried out in order to study the discourses that manufacture a way of being deaf from the perspective of non-incapacitation. It is a subject of the deaf as an individual correlative to neoliberal governmentality, an individual who, in order to enter society, needs to strive to include and overcome the barriers of what is understood as a physical disability.
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