Mediation of pedagogical activity in the appropriation and objectivation of school contents
Pedagogical activity, Appropriation and objectification, Scientific contentAbstract
Based on the understanding that the pedagogical activity developed at school is an indispensable mediation for the formation of new higher psychological functions of students, this article analyzes meanings produced by teachers about the potential of pedagogical activity as mediation in the process of appropriation and objectification of school contents in High school. Anchored in Historical-Cultural Psychology and Historical-Critical Pedagogy, it is the result of research-training carried out in master's
studies, involving teachers and students from a philanthropic school in the city of Teresina-PI, who participate in a university extension project. The instruments used in the production of information that served as an empirical corpus were study sessions and critical reflection, based on previously selected texts and reflective interviews. As an analysis procedure, it adopts discursive textual analysis. The meanings produced by the research participant reveal that the pedagogical activity gains another quality when it favors students (singularities) appropriation of scientific content mediated by the affective-cognitive dimension, that is, by what they feel and think about their reality, aiming at new ways of being and existing, especially when they manage to make analogical inferences between scientific knowledge and everyday life. The appropriation and objectification of scientific content at school mediate students' development as they lead them to the production of new questions that translate into new relationships with social and historical reality.
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