Studies on University Pedagogy and Didactic of/in Higher Education: itineraries of an experience in times of pandemic
Didactic, Universitary Pedagogy, Higher EducationAbstract
Giving Didactics a central place in the context of teacher education for Higher Education is a current and urgent demand. Thinking about this demand amid scenarios of (re) structuring and interrupting face-to-face activities makes it even more challenging. For this reason, this paper seeks to comprehend the remote teaching experience of the subject “University Pedagogy and Didactics of / in Higher Education”, which constituted a laboratory for collective experiments that, crossed by the specificities of the pandemic context, brought together the study of programmatic themes and alternative ways of teaching and learning remotely. In other words, it allowed teachers and students to critically approach remote education, as theoretical dialogues and technological mediation experiences were exercised that signaled the importance of Didactics as a space to think about the purposes, mediations and conditions of the teaching, especially in this context. Thus, the methodological character of this paper consists of an Experience Report, based on data collected from the students through a virtual questionnaire and experiential records of the authors'. From this point of view, the transition to remote teaching helps us to recover the practices developed in the classroom and confront them with the need to configure new modes of didactic-curricular structuring that provide conditions for the development of learning through engagement, construction and sharing of knowledge in collaborative networks with the support of educational technologies.
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