Collective management, temporalities and transversalities in the formative processes of teachers
Initial training, Temporalities, Pedagogical mediationAbstract
The text narrates and discusses the powers and challenges involved in proposing a collective work experience in the training of undergraduate students in the Physical Education and Mathematics courses at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes), in the second semester of 2019. Part of the practice as a curricular component and the content of games and play as an articulating axis of pedagogical mediation work carried out in public and private schools in the metropolitan area of Vitória/ES, at different levels of Basic Education. By bringing together five teachers who taught six different subjects for the same class, other temporalities were opened (KOHAN, 2018) through time management in the formative process and transversalities (GUATTARI, 2004), as a search for overcoming the fragmentation of knowledge in teacher education. It is considered that the proposal for integrated action required each participant's availability, humility, and openness to the other. The participants collectively built a sense for the teaching activity as a transversal research attitude concerning practices and weaved cooperative networks among different fields of knowledge and school subjects, among various subjects, between Physical Education and Mathematics students, and between the university and the school, enabling the exercise of listening and dialoguing, reaffirming and enhancing differences.
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