Educação ambiental e artes visuais em territórios ecofenomenológicos
Epistemologias Ecológicas, Experiência estética, Pós-humano.Abstract
For decades, concerns about environmental problems and the best solutions for them occupy discourses and documents and many authors point to the low effectiveness of these public policies. The emergence of the theme in contemporaneity brings up discussions about human beings, their understandings and iterations with and in nature.This article aims to address the issue through the teaching of visual arts under the perspective of ecophenomenology, which understands the inseparability between human beings and nature and the confluence of ecological thinking with phenomenology, instigating reflections on the horizontality of relationships in a more than human world. From this perspective, art and environmental education are reflected, three artists and works are presented and their works are analyzed, with a view to dialoguing with everyday issues and pondering behaviors and choices. The aesthetic experience present in these flows throughout the arguments provides a movement towards the transformative potential that this experience provides, revealing a significant path for new directions in post-human relations. The considerations were elaborated under the aegis of references of phenomenology, art and environmental education.
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