Notes on the disciplinary knowledge of the Normal Course of the School of Physical Education of Rio Grande do Sul
History of Physical Education, History of Education, Theoretical and practical teachingAbstract
The present study aims to understand how an organization of disciplinary disciplines of the Normal Course, of the Escola Superior de Educação Física (ESEF), of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, occurred during the period in which the active activity (1940-1956). The historiographical narrative, guided by Certeau (2017) and Chartier (2017) was supported by the theoretical-methodological assumptions of teaching knowledge, especially those understood by Desbiens (2005) and Tardif (2014) as disciplinary knowledge and curricular knowledge. This reference was articulated with the bibliography on pedagogical planning, especially that used by Libâneo (2012). The analysis and confrontation process of the different historical documents used by the research was guided by the document analysis technique, as described by Cellard (2012). The results obtained supported the construction of a reading about an organization of the disciplinary knowledge of the Normal Physical Education Course of ESEF, which were differentiated by their practical and theoretical teaching characteristics. Intrinsically, these differentiations were possible to mark characteristics of the professional profile forged by the referred course. In this scenario, the teachers who attended and completed the Normal Course of Physical Education at ESEF, when inserting themselves in primary schools, led the teaching of a Physical Education focused on know how, a characteristic that permeated the professional training of the area, during the period (1940-1957).
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