The Philosophy of Difference’s Thought that dreams signs from the Educations’s Archive
Dream, Teaching, Invention.Abstract
Via contributions from the Philosophy of Difference, this article, in an ensaistic way, unfolds itself by performing a dream-work treatment through the Archive of Education. It articulates questions about learning and admits the occurrence of illogisms. Such illogisms, by the logic of the dream, trace philosophical directions to the invention of their own senses. The text develops plans of thoughts that affirm the teaching right to dream didactics and to poetize curricula. The article also introduces the concepts of Sonhografias (Dreamographies) and Aulas-Sonho (Dream-Classes), these concepts are understood as signs of pulsional budding from the body that dramatizes classes. It concludes in experimentation poetry and asks if it would no longer be the Archive that sonhografa (writes to dream work mode) a teaching-research.References
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