Technologies and Education: UNESCO's discourse
Technology, UNESCO, Contemporary Educational Policies.Abstract
The article presents documents produced by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that highlight the prevalence of Information and Communication Technologies in the direction of contemporary educational policies contributing to the discourse of emptying and expropriation of teaching work. The interpretation of the documentary corpus in this work is supported by the Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD), formulated by Norman Fairclough (1989, 2001). Fairclough is recognized for its significant contribution in establishing a methodological framework that allows us to investigate the relationship between discourse and social change, specifically with the language production practices within which social life is produced, whether economic, political or cultural. Fairclough's theory proposes to analyze the role of language and other semiotic elements, such as images, in the reproduction of social practices and ideologies. It is concluded that the discourses of UNESCO have in their principles the tendency to the technological fetish without, however, mentioning the modalities of teaching or methodologies necessary to the intensive use of ICT in Education.References
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