Use of digital technologies in school: a study based on the reports of Brazilian Public Policies
Digital Culture in Schools, Digital Inclusion in Schools, ICT and Public Policies.Abstract
Education is a protagonist in the programs of countries that outlined the goal to value the life quality of its citizens. This situation points to the imminence of achieving a speedy, legitimate and effective return to the interruption of cycles of poverty and the establishment of objectives that promote freedom, harmony, and progress. Considering the context of public policies regarding the use of technologies in schools, the objective of this paper was to understand if the pedagogical proposal of digital inclusion is already a national reality. For this, a study was carried out based on 4 official documents. Among the issues raised is that there is not much difference regarding the use of ICTs between public and private schools, that the cell phone is pointed out as the medium through which the Internet is accessed the most and that when an institution emphasizes the digital culture, it assumes the centrality in the formation of more autonomous students.References
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