The crisis of teacher’s authority and the challenge of education in a democratic and multicultural society




Education, Crisis of authority, Teacher formation


The teacher authority crisis and the student’s indifference of the role of the teacher have become a challenge in the current education. The article aims at clarifying some reasons that have motivated the discredit or the confrontation of teacher’s authority in the context of education nowadays, considering the current social, economic and cultural transformations. In order to do so, based on the analysis of Arendt (1992) and Gauchet (2008), we identify possible sociocultural factors that contribute to the emergence of the crisis of authority. Although they have different theoretical conceptions, the thoughts of both authors have a common horizon regarding the understanding of the crisis of authority problem in the educational field, by bringing substantial contributions to the challenges that arise from such crisis. We could conclude that restoring the legitimate and effective authority of educators and those responsible for education depends on the rediscovery of the meaning of knowledge and the development of a common culture of education, based on dialogue.

Author Biography

Eldon Henrique Mühl, Universidade de Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul

Professor doutor na Universidade de Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Mühl, E. H. (2020). The crisis of teacher’s authority and the challenge of education in a democratic and multicultural society. Education, 45(1), e51/ 1–21.