Education process and personality: attention and overcoming of psychological suffering.
Education, Historical-Cultural Psychology, Psychological suffering.Abstract
This paper seeks to talk about the consequences of the education in the personality development. It stems from a literary review and by the author’s practice in teaching and psychotherapy based on Historical-Cultural Psychology. It responds to the need of educators to consider affectivity as an essential condition for the cognitive processes and development of the social being. It assumes the social signification and the personal meanings as the center of the education process. It suggests that the contradictions in the personality development can turn into suffering and psychological conflict by a breakdown between social signification and personal meaning. The results show that the subjects can master the means of orientation and control of their relationship to overcome the contradictions that lead to psychological suffering through the educational process. It was concluded, therefore, that education has dual characteristics of personality humanization, as it can cause both pain and empowerment as subjects for overcoming of contradictions that generate psychological conflict.References
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