Education for work: the Artisan Apprentice School of Ceará
Professional education, School of Craftsmen Apprentices, Professional schools.Abstract
The first action to promote professional education in Brazil was the creation of Schools of Craftsmen Apprentices in 1909, based on Decree 7566, of September 23. The aim of this article is to investigate historically the School of Craftsmen Apprentices (SCA) of Ceará in the period between 1910 and 1936 and analyze its creation and development in the implantation context of this professional schools network in Brazil. We propose a qualitative research with exploratory nature, developed using bibliographical survey and analysis of the legislation that regulated the schools during this period. The results confirm that these schools constituted the first system of professional education in national scope because they were based on a common educational project, being governed by the same administrative power, with a differentiated curriculum and teaching methodology. Hence, we can conclude, therefore, that the SCA of Ceará represented a milestone for the crafts education in the State, becomming an innovative proposal of professional education.References
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