The Student Monitoring the Computer Room as a strategy for the pedagogical use of ICT in the Municipal Schools of Santa Maria
Student Monitor, Collaborative Learning, Educational Technologies.Abstract
This article focuses on the theme of the student’s habilitation as monitors to act in the computer rooms, helping in the integration of the educational technologies in network to the teachers’ pedagogical practice of the municipal schools of Santa Maria. This action, implemented by the Municipal Educational Technology Center, sought to enhance the pedagogical use of existing educational technologies in these school environments, emphasizing free software, through Linux Educational, the Operational System adopted by PROINFO. The proposal consisted of ongoing training workshops throughout the year, based on the qualitative approach and methodology of action research. Educational Linux tools were selected compatible with the version available in schools and elaborated didactic materials for the development of the workshops, organized in an e-Book, aiming at the dissemination and sharing of action research in other contexts. The research analyzed the extent to which the integration of ICT, with the support of the monitor student, can help in the practice of the teachers who use the computerized environment in the school, as well as the transformations that may occur in the relationships established between monitor student and teacher that learn and teach, in a circular relationship, and in the school that hosts the proposal. The training stimulated collaborative learning, through the appropriation, improvement of skills, abilities and attitudes that resulted in changes of the student in the role of monitoring, encouraging the promotion of autonomy and voluntary action in the computer room, as an important social contribution that evidences the protagonist and citizenship behavior.
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