Ecoperceptions: social representations of nature in the children's universe
Human ecology, Environment, Child.Abstract
This article deals with aspects of the human nature of children. The child presents thereminiscences of the construction of the personality of the man, tonicities that evolve throughout the life and that can be thought in its representations. This study brings together partial results of the master's research in Human Ecology and Socio-Environmental Management (PPGECOH-UNEB), and aims to investigate the representations of Nature, based on children's environmental perception in the school context in the municipality of Juazeiro-BA, analyzing and describing the language of the child, based on the theoretical contribution of the Social Representations. Methodologically, we make participant observations, notes in the field diary, mental map workshops and interviews about the drawings and the conception of Nature in the children's perspective. The results presented an Ecoperceptiva vision of Nature, the children reveal elements immersed in reflections that deal with the anthropic actions in the environment, highlighting the mystique linked to the essence of life, in a deep bond of care, affection and respect for Nature.
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