Investigating teasing between peers
Teasing is a peculiar conflict, conceptualized by the union of aggression and humor. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of teasing experienced by 250 students of 3-14 years old of six public schools in cities of São Paulo state. Also aimeAbstract
Teasing is a peculiar conflict, conceptualized by the union of aggression and humor. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of teasing experienced by 250 students of 3-14 years old of six public schools in cities of São Paulo state. Also aimed to identify the strategies employed and the outcomes. 370 hours of sistematic observation were conducted and it was used qualitative and quantitative analysis capabilities. The results indicated that the development characteristics influence the experience of teasing. Although it is common in all age groups, it becomes predominant with the development, becoming more verbal and with more insinuations. The amount of intersex teasings increases among young people, already heavily permeated by sexuality. In all age groups, it was used more retaliation strategies and, ultimately, the teasings were simply abandoned.References
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