"Why my son failure at school?" Study about parental bonding and school failure


  • Paola do Carmo Richter
  • Dienifer Aline Mattos Ghedin Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Angela Helena Marin Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos




School failure, Parental bonding, Adolescent


The general objective of the present study was to investigate the relation between the parental bond and the school failure history of adolescents and their parents. The specific objectives were to identify the cognitive profile and compare the type of parental relationship established between adolescents with and without school reprovation. For that, a correlational and comparative design, of quantitative and transversal character, was used. The participants were 140 adolescents from public schools in São Leopoldo/RS, who answered the Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire, Raven Progressive Matrices Test and Parental Bonding Instrument. The results indicated that the mother's and father's number of failures was positively associated with the child reproaches number, as well as the factor care of the mother and father to the child's intellectual potential. Still, the father's care factor related negatively and overprotection factor positively with the child reproaches number. It was also found that adolescents with no history of school failure perceive their parents as more emotionally available, attentive and interested in them. These results highlight the importance of encouraging the participation of parents in the children’s teaching-learning process.



How to Cite

Richter, P. do C., Ghedin, D. A. M., & Marin, A. H. (2018). "Why my son failure at school?" Study about parental bonding and school failure. Education, 43(3), 499–520. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984644423703



Continuous Demand