Autobiographic Research: a contribution to the education and to Educators History at Rio Grande do Sul State


  • Maria Helena Menna Barreto Abrahão


Life Stories, Narratives, Identity and Teacher Professionalization,


Contituting as part of the thematic methodologies, files and sources, the present workis an appoach to a research entitled: “Profissionalização Docente e Identidade - Narrativas na Primeira Pessoa” (Teachers’ Professionalization and Identity - First Person Narratives), emphasizing the ways to work with narratives, documental sources and oral sources to compose the Life Stories of famous educators at Rio Grande do Sul State aiming at: a) providing an eyeshot to these Life Stories, including the professional story, of famous educatory who constructed the History of Education at Rio Grande do Sul StateThrough the understanding of the educative relations and the identity formation that have occurred and still occurs in the educative and work processes of these educators, resulting a good heap for further utilization by researchers in this field; b) better understanding of the thinking and the pedagogical practice inherent to the history of education in Rio Grande do Sul State. The present work is divided into two moments: 1) the research description and 2) insights that the research allowed for both the use of the methodology and the insights that concerns to the object of this study.

How to Cite

Abrahão, M. H. M. B. (2011). Autobiographic Research: a contribution to the education and to Educators History at Rio Grande do Sul State. Education, 30(2), 139–156. Retrieved from



Dossier: Education's History