Nursing protocol for the care of people with diabetes mellitus in primary care
Enfermagem, Atenção Básica, Protocolos de enfermagemAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the contribution of the Nursing Protocol - Volume I, for the health care of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus from the perspective of nurses and doctors working in Primary Health Care. Method: qualitative evaluative research, carried out with 22 professionals, including 19 nurses and three doctors, from June to August 2017, using semi-structured interviews and data analysis from the perspective of conventional content. Results: it became evident that the Protocol was implemented in an organized and systematic manner, with a focus on comprehensive care and alignment between doctors and nurses through inter-consultation. It promoted the expansion of access to health for people with diabetes, offering autonomy, support and resolution to nurses. Conclusion: the Protocol contributed to the qualification of nursing care for people with diabetes, with nurses' recognition and confidence in relation to the quality of content, relevance and applicability.
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